Dashboard Business Intelligence

A one-stop access point for all the information you need to make informed store decisions. Dashboard and Dashboard: Developer’s Edition help you pull, compile, understand and analyze your store’s data.

More sales, service and efficiency

Simplify business and impress customers with a comprehensive total-store system.

Contact Us

If you want to show that you’re relevant, or that you’re meeting your goal of serving students, Dashboard can help you do that. We use Dashboard to show what we save stakeholders with discount plans we set up for our different university partners like the Alumni Students Association and multiple academic departments.

Tracy Roma

Associate Director of Finance, University of California Davis Stores

Make informed decisions with Business Intelligence

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPIs allow you to analyze your data to quickly and accurately see the success of your organization.

Easy access

Access your information from any web browser.

Built-in reports

Identify trends and patterns with predefined KPI reports like daily sales, MTD and FYTD details, and Textbook options.

Easily customizable

Develop your KPI Dashboard to your specifications and requirements with additional customization options.

UC Davis Perfects Student Service With Dashboard

MBS' BI tools help UC Davis put students first and share successes with campus stakeholders.

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